Mole Removal in Milton Keynes

Mole Removal in Milton Keynes

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Mole & Cyst Removal

Almost all of us have skin lesions, and they come in tones of different forms, whether it may be moles, freckles or skin tags. Although, in most cases, lesions go unnoticed and unproblematic for our lifetime, there are some instances where they begin to cause issues. Particularly when it comes to large moles, skin tags or cysts, these lesion types can not only look unsightly but also cause irritation. For this reason, we offer multiple solutions for mole and cyst removal in Milton Keynes, with every treatment plan tailored to the client.

To determine the best treatment route for you, we will always schedule an initial consultation with one of our trained, experienced practitioners. The consultation gives us the chance to assess the type of lesion you have, its scale and the troubles it is causing you. You will also be free to ask any questions or discuss any concerns you may have. From here, we will be able to determine the removal method that will offer the highest standard of results then get you booked in for your session.

Skin Tag Removal

Skin tags are ever so common in all age groups for both male and female clients. They are typically brown or fresh-coloured and are small growths that hang off the skin. Although skin tags are harmless, they are commonly found on areas of the body that mean they are easily caught by clothing, for example. These areas include on the neck, under the arms and in some cases, around the eyes, which can begin to dampen self-esteem. With a highly-skilled team on hand that specialise in skin tag removal in Milton Keynes, we can ensure that lesions are carefully removed and leave no scarring. For those suffering from many skin tags, we are able to remove as many as 50 in just one session, depending on how eager you are to have them gone.

Types Of Skin Lesion Removal We Specialise In

Not only are our specialised team trained in treating mole, cyst and skin tag, but they can also offer their skin lesion removal in Milton Keynes to target a range of other conditions. These include warts, verrucas, xanthelasma (fatty deposits) and much more. Depending on the skin lesion that you have, one of the following treatment methods will be used:


The use of freezing to treat moles, warts and skin tags, forcing them to fall off within a few days.


Heating the tissue of the skin lesion using electricity, causing it to dry up.


Can be used alongside Electrocautery and involves scraping away the skin lesion.


An innovative treatment that uses advanced plasma energy to vaporise the skin lesion.

Ndyag Laser

A crystal that is used as a laser to emit light energy, usually used for Cherry Angiomas

Surgical Excision

The process of removing a skin lesion by cutting it out of the skin.

Frequently Asked Questions

We recognise the importance of thorough research before booking in with a clinic, so we have devised some helpful FAQs for additional information.

Do I need to see a doctor before getting a mole removed?
Although, in most cases, the skin lesion is harmless and able to be removed quickly without needing to visit your doctor, it is essential to always keep an eye on moles. If you notice that the mole has changed colour or size, or it has started to bleed, then you must book an appointment with your GP. On the other hand, if you visit our clinic and we believe that you would benefit from getting your mole checked prior to removal, we will, of course, recommend the next steps.
How many treatments does it take to remove a skin lesion?
For most of our clients, we are able to successfully remove the skin lesion within just one session; however, there are some instances where more may be necessary. We will always schedule a thorough consultation to discuss this.
Can more than one skin lesion be removed in one session?
We recognise that if you have multiple skin lesions, you are likely to want them gone as soon as possible, which is why we can remove more than one in a session. Our LasaDerm doctor will assess the lesions during your consultation to determine how many can be removed at once; then, you can decide how many you think you could tolerate in one session.
What can I expect after a skin lesion has been removed?
The side effects and aftercare advice will differ based on the removal method undertaken and are as follows:
  • For Cryotherapy, Electrocautery, Curettage and PlexR: A blister is likely to form, which will scab over and then fall off naturally. The new skin underneath may look like a small sore, but this will heal itself in just a few days, leaving no scarring.
  • For Ndyag Laser: Straight after your session, the treatment area will look darker and then a blister may form, which will fade in a few days.
  • For Surgical Excision: Your LasaDerm doctor will likely ask you to come back to the clinic the day after your treatment for a review, then again 5-10 days after to remove the stitches. You’ll have a small scar that will fade and show minimal signs of a pre-existing mole.

Customer Testimonial

"I’ve always had what I thought was a mole on my neck, which made me feel so self-conscious, especially in the summer. I had it checked and found out it was actually a dermatofibroma, which was completely harmless and could easily be removed, so I booked in with Lasaderm. In my consultation, they recommended a treatment called Plexr which I’d never heard of before but was happy about because it meant that there was no cutting or stitching. The treatment itself was so quick and easy, and apart from the few seconds of stinging when the anaesthetic was injected, I didn’t feel a thing. I honestly cannot believe how much of a difference it’s made, there are no marks at all, you can’t even tell that there used to be a growth there! "